Casing Hard Drive USB3.1 Gen1 Tipe-C ORICO-2,5/3,5 inci

Sale price$41.99

  • Stylish Design: This external hard drive enclosure features a unique, lightweight design with a buckle and lanyard, making it easy to carry.
  • High Performance: Equipped with a 6Gbps chip and a 10Gbps braided A-to-C cable, it supports UASP acceleration and S.M.A.R.T technology for fast and stable data transfer.
  • Plug and Play: Slide open the cover, insert the hard drive, and connect to your device. Supports hot-swapping. Always eject the drive before disconnecting to avoid data loss.
  • Safe and Durable: EVA foam pads secure the drive, LED indicators display status, and an auto-sleep mode activates after 10 minutes of inactivity to protect the drive.
  • Wide Compatibility: Supports 7mm and 9.5mm 2.5-inch SATA HDDs and SSDs. Compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS systems.
Warna: Abu-abu
Standar: KITA

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  • Mendukung UASP, Manfaatkan kecepatan kilat USB 3.0 untuk mentransfer file dengan cepat hingga 6 Gbps
  • Kompatibel: 7mm-9.5mm 2.5"/3.5" SATA III / II / I HDD dan SSD berkapasitas hingga 6TB, Mendukung semua drive SATA 2.5/3.5 inci.
  • Fitur Mode Tidur Otomatis 10 menit untuk membiarkan HDD atau SSD Anda berhenti berputar untuk beristirahat
  • LED Menunjukkan: Indikator LED biru memungkinkan Anda mempelajari status kerja Kandang Hard Drive Eksternal ini dengan mudah.
  • Busa EVA Lembut Tahan guncangan: Dengan Spons 5mm, melindungi hard disk Anda dari guncangan dan goresan yang tidak tepat.
  • Lubang gantung portabel seluler + lanyard, memudahkan dibawa.
  • * Plug and play, tidak perlu driver.